Visual Day Planner 5.0 for Microsoft Windows 95 Build 5.0.3 Release Date: April 15, 1996 Fixed: "Large Font" desktop selection for Windows 95 causes Visual Day Planner to place the combo-boxes for fonts, colors and sizes incorrectly, and the monthly panel at the bottom is placed somewhere in the middle of the screen Fixed: Cut and paste menu and toolbar item does not work Fixed: Properly registers all the OCX and DLL files to the registry or a dreaded message "Error loading from file" that prevents Visual Day Planner from starting up Fixed: Wallpaper not updated with data in it when "Auto Update" feature is turned on, particularly upon exiting the program Visual Day Planner 5.0 for Microsoft Windows 95 Build 5.0.0 Release Date: March 19, 1996 * Full 32-bit implementation specially for Windows 95 * To distinguish between 16-bit and 32-bit version, Visual Calendar Planner is renamed as Visual Day Planner for 95 under 32-bit implementation * New setup routine that utilizes setup wizard to guide you through setup procedures * Uninstallation functionality is provided * New print engine that provides true What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) printout * New alarm capability with MIDI and WAV support * New database engine that utilizes Microsoft Data Access Object Engine and Microsoft Access Jet Engine * Provides full backward compatibility with previous versions of Visual Calendar Planner's database files * Drag and Drop capability * Tool-tip support * Text justifications support